
Q. What is Chiropractic?

A. Chiropractic is a form of health care that examines the nervous system for function. It holds that if the nervous system is free from interference, the body will function at its optimum and therefore will be healthy. Chiropractic works by removing this interference by using adjustments to the spine. Chiropractors adjust the spine because it has a close relationship with the nervous system and it effects the entire body.

Q. What is an adjustment?

A. An adjustment is a small amount of force applied to the misaligned bones of the spine. This allows the spine to return to proper alignment and movement. This removes pressure on surrounding nerves and tissues allowing the body to function at its optimum.

Q. How do you adjust the spine?

A. Because there are so many different types of people, we use several different techniques to adjust the spine.We mainly use our hands to adjust in our office, but there are also several tools that we utilize for those patients who do not respond well to "manual" adjusting.

Q.What kind of insurance do you take?

A. Currently, we accept most insurances for chiropractic and massage:

  • Auto Collision Insurance (all)
  • Aetna
  • Alternare
  • Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • Cigna
  • Federal Blue Cross
  • First Choice
  • First Health Network
  • Medicaid (under 18 only)(chiropractic only)
  • Medicare (chiropractic only)
  • PacifiCare (massage only)
  • Premera Blue Cross
  • Regence Blue Shield (chiropractic only)
  • Secure Horizons (massage only)
  • Uniform

If you don't see your insurance company here, we may still be a provider as insurance coverages change often. Please give us a call and we will check your coverage. (360) 491-1232.

Q. Can Chiropractic help me?

A. In our office, we commonly care for:

  • Headaches
  • Neck Injuries
  • TMJ problems (jaw issues)
  • Backaches
  • Automobile Accidents
  • Lifting Injuries
  • Sports Injuries
  • Arthritis
  • Insurance Cases (Personal Injury, L and I)
  • Senior Citizens
  • Scolisosis (spinal curvature)
  • Children

Our office has had success with all of the above symptoms or people. However, our main goal is to prevent these problems before they occur. This is why our number one objective is wellness care.

Q. How long will I be under care?

A. Not a day longer or shorter than it takes for the body to accept the healing process. Generally, there are 3 phrases of care:

  1. Acute intensive care to minimize pain
  2. Reconstructive care to reverse or slow-down advancing conditions and stabalize the body's diverse systems
  3. Wellness care which can involve an occasional visit to keep you as well as you can be

Q. Is Chiropractic safe?

A. Yes! An estimated 350 million visits are made to Chiropractic offices each year with very few cases of side effects. Also, of all doctors, Doctors of Chiropractic pay the lowest malpracitice rates, as proof of its safety.

Q. What is Contact Reflex Analysis (CRA)?

A. CRA is a system of checking for structural and nutritional deficiencies. We utilize this technique from time to time in the office and there are often lots of questions about it. So I've included a link below that will hopefully answer most of them.

Q. What is Cold Laser Therapy?

A. The Cold Laser is an instrument we utilize in our office for several reasons. To find out more about how it works and what its used for, just click on some of the links below.

Q. What is a good diet that you recommend?

A. You have to be careful when minimizing your caloric intake because your body needs nutrients to function and produce new, healthy tissue. That being said, there are several diets out there designed to reduce calories while giving you the important nutrients to sustain a healthy body. Of these, we've found the Zone diet to be an excellent choice.

Don't see your question here? Please give us a call at 491-1232 and will do our best to answer any questions you might have. 

Also, a great resource is the non-profit Chiropractic Patient Information website, The Foundation for Chiropractic Progress.